Friday, February 05, 2010

What would happen?

Nina has started a curious line of hypothetical questioning these days. Probably ten times a day she asks something along the lines of:

  • "If you had one purple eye and one black eye, what would happen?"
  • "If daddy spills his dinner, what would happen?"
  • "If you don't stop at the stop sign, what would happen?"
  • "If you sat in the office and you are not the lady that works here, what would happen?"
I have to start writing these down because some of them are incredibly complicated, just hilarious and challenging to answer!

Fun with Photo Booth


Grammie said...

Precocious Nina!
She's 3yrs. old and her mind is formulating these questions!?!?
What will she ask when she's 10...or 6!?!?

David Salvati said...

My favorite, "If daddy spilled his dinner ..."