Monday, April 27, 2009

New Loves

Coupla pictures from the weekend showing off Nina's new loves.

Balloon penguin bracelet made by the ubiquitous Palo Alto balloon animal guy.

Dora bike!!! Her feet can reach the pedals (barely), but we've yet to see any unassisted forward motion.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Les Trois Mousquetaires

Between the various cameras snapping away like mad for a week, we have some 800 pictures of various adventures with the cousins, Stanford campus, the farm, the zoo, the park, San Francisco. Of course, only a handful when they are all together, in focus, and with somebody looking vaguely in the direction of the camera.

Filip, Nina and Stefan.....already up to no good.

Lovely Auntie

Trip to the Stanford museum.

Nina's favorite statue, "Little Girl with the Broken Fingers"

Snack after a visit to the Lego store.

Quiet play.

Movie snacks!


Somebody's ice cream was starting to melt.

Either our tolerance for chaos has massively increased or our guest were particularly well behaved because our house didn't seem quiet as crazy as one might have expected with 7 people in it for a week. Wonderful visit!


In other news, overheard just this morning:

"I am improvising my thingies"

"I am done with this activity. I want to do another activity"


Sunday, April 05, 2009

The Boys

Nina's Canadian cousins have been visiting this week. Here is a sneak preview of their adventures.