Thursday, August 30, 2007

Beaming Baby

Last week after I posted the blog, Mirko looked at it said, "That is just great! That may be the best entry so far!" Then he looked at it later and said, "but, you know, she is not really smiling in any of the pictures." Well, that is just not right! Nina is such a smiley and happy baby, we must document it for the intertubes to see!

So for your viewing pleasure, here are a few of Nina's happiest moments from the past week. Enjoy!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Bottoms Down

Do you notice anything?

Yep, Nina is now sitting up! She had been using an arm to hold herself up for quite awhile now. And then, oh, about a week ago she finally mastered it. Sitting up gives her a whole new world of possibilities because now she can manipulate toys with both hands. She must have played with that book for 20 minutes, flipping the pages, holding it up and shaking it. She has a variety of sitting positions and this one is probably her favorite:

I think it is an easy position for her to get into from standing and then she can quickly pop back up again. Another super-cute one is one kneeling on one leg and the other one out in front. So, sitting at 7 1/2 months. Yay!

Now that she is a stable sitter, we finally felt comfortable to put her in a restaurant high chair. Here she is enjoying a meal at none other than the Left Bank in Menlo Park. Only the best for our little girl - too bad she only got to eat jarred sweet potatoes or carrots or something. Wait, she ate the tablecloth too.

But won't be long until she'll be able to move on to pomme frites, because look!

Those teeth that started to emerge a while back are definitely in now.

Now that we have all that serious business out the way, it is time for some just-for-fun shots.

Just precious

Whatcha doing back there?

Who me?! I didn't eat the ice cream.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Summer Traditions

Apparently, we haven't downloaded pictures from our little camera in a while, so we missed out on these gems from the past several weeks. Time to catch up!

Mirko has been doing the San Francisco half marathon at the end of July for the past several years. The day before the race, we headed up to the city to check out the expo and to hunt down the samples and freebies!

Baby's First Starbucks

After the expo, we went to North Beach so Mirko could load up on pasta.

Hip in the city.

July is also time for the Los Altos Art and Wine Festival. Here are the girls taking a break in the shade.

Nina particularly likes her mom's new earrings.

Just because it summer, doesn't mean we don't have to bundle up for the early Saturday morning runs. Here we are about to head off to the favored Sawyer Camp Trail.

Nina has her running shoes on.

Yep, the days are just packed....

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


The big news this week is that Nina has started babbling a recognizable sound "bababababa". We noticed her doing it on Saturday, and I thought it might be just a one time thing, but nope she's the bababa girl now! When she sits in the carseat, she babbles to herself. It's wonderful to hear these adorable little noises coming from the backseat.

And it is about time to post some new video of Nina. This one is a couple minutes long and showcases all her new skills - crawling around, pulling up and all the while carrying around this little plastic lid!

Also, a couple nice portraits from the weekend...

Sunday, August 05, 2007

7 Months

On Saturday, Nina turned 7 months old. Wow! She is such a busy and active baby, I don't even know how to begin to describe everything she is up to. First of all, she loves pulling herself up to a standing position. Here she is all confident and holding on with just one hand:

You can put her in a frilly dress, but she still has her game face on. She is pretty much an expert at getting up and down now. Coffee tables, shelves, you name it. Or even better climbing up Mt. Mom or Mt. Dad (then pulling their hair).

One amazing thing she started doing is dancing when you turn on music. She starts bouncing up and down. It blows my mind that she has figured this out.

Her hair is starting to come in more, or at least reaching a critical mass. It is light brown and a little curly. So cute!

Nina has adapted quite well to daycare. She actually started at a new place at the beginning of August. After 13 months on the waitlist, we got a spot at the CCSC at Stanford. Yay! I thought we would sort of have to start over with getting her adjusted to a new place, but nope, on the first day I picked up her after work the girls said it was like she had been there all along. They also said she explored every single inch of the place. And I believe it! When I drop her off in the morning, she digs right in playing with the toys or bouncing to the good morning song. In related news, she is now officially a member of the runny nose club.

P.S. This post was brought to you by grandmas' homemade clothing! Grandma Vicky made the outfit in the top two pictures as well as the hat in the bottom one. Baka Dragica knitted the pink poncho in the bottom picture.