Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Hospital Stay

And here she is the next morning in the hospital. Lola and I managed to get a couple of hours of sleep before the three ring circus of check ups began.

Lola during the pediatrician's visit.

Newborn hearing test. She passed - woohoo!

We spend the rest of the day oooing and ahhing over our newest princess.

Newborns are so kissable

It was really difficult to get much rest in the hospital with the constant stream of doctors, nursing, and various other staff streaming in and out of the room. So by Sunday, we were ready to get out of there! We dressed Lola up in her little bear outfit, snapped a few pictures, and got out of Dodge.

Glad to be home!

Next up: Lola meets her big sister.


David Salvati said...

Can hardly wait to see Lola Lu and Nina, too!

Baka i deda said...

Divno, sretan ti dolazak kući Lola i sretan susret sa velikom sestrom Ninom!