Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Christmas Time is Here!
Couple of fun Christmas activities. First, we visited the Christmas light & decoration display on Fulton Ave in Palo Alto, and then on Christmas Eve we saw a performance of the Nutcracker.

The War Memorial Opera House in San Francisco is truly a fabulous venue, and everyone decked out in their Christmas Eve finest made it even more special.

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Friday, December 25, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Fashion & Food
Nina is very much in to dress up these days. I never know what she is going to be wearing when I pick her up from school ... flapper dress, kimono, you name it. It continues on at home ... "wedding dresses" and high heels (followed by ceremonies joining her and various dolls in matrimony), bathing suits (the living room becomes a beach, and heaven forbid that you should accidentally put something in the "water"), a pair of tights over the swim suit and she is a ballerina. All of this is, of course, accompanied by absolute non-stop narration of her imagined activities during which she requires your full undivided attention. She doesn't require too much interaction from her audience other than an occasional "Ok? Ok." Although for the wedding ceremonies, she does demand that one of us be the "talker" (officiant) so she can be the bride.

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Sunday, November 29, 2009
We had a low-key Thanksgiving this year with just us. A day of cooking and eating, then three more days for adventures - no wonder it is one of my favorite holidays!
In case you are wondering about Nina's outfit. Those are size 0-3 months baby clothes. I got out the boxes of Nina's old clothes a few weeks ago, and it has become her favorite past-time to see which ones she can squeeze into. It is pretty hilarious, but we are hoping she loses interest in the next couple months....
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Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Recently overheard:
- "For Christmas, will the turkey bring me things?"
- "Daddy, you are wasting my money!!!"
- "I want to go back in your belly"
- "Daddy, do you know what I am going to be for Thanksgiving?", "What?", "A clown!!!"
- "When Neo and I get married, I am going to have a cupcake."
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Monday, November 02, 2009
Trick or Treat!
This was Nina's first year for Trick or Treat. The businesses on California Ave had a nice event during the afternoon, perfect for the little ones. Over the past month, Nina had shown a lot interest in the Halloween decorations and various "scaries". On day when we were driving to school, out of the blue she asked me slightly nervously, "Is it going to be more scary on Halloween?". She wasn't too interested in the idea of dressing up, but we did manage to lure her into her costume with the prospect of candy.
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Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Ardenwood Farm & Pumpkin Patch
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Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Derek & Cecile's Wedding
Last month, we attended Derek and Cecile's Wedding. It was held at the California Academy of Science, a truly fabulous venue for a both children and adults.

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Sunday, October 04, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Gilroy Gardens
We made a trip to Gilroy Gardens a couple weeks ago ($10 tickets, what a deal!). Fabulous fun for Nina, and we had even more fun seeing what a blast she was having. And look! One for the record books....
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