Fall is here! A great time to head to our favorite farm and pick up a few pumpkins.

A very friendly cow and horse stood right by the fence for easy petting.

We also got to pet goats, sheep, and rabbits.

The farmer's tractor was a huge hit.

Pumpkin Patch!

Nina gets an A for effort. That thing was hard to pull in the rocky soil!

There! That's more like it.

Our loot.

And finally .... belly shot! Here I am at ~23 weeks. Getting there!
whoa! that's some bump!!
Bože šta li će reći Filip kad vidi kako neki voze traktor?
AWE!!! The pictures are sooo cute!
Nina's baby sister is getting big!
I love the shot of Nina pulling the cart. She is one determined girl!
Vidjeli smo novu Nadju Komaneči! Bravo Nina!
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