Monday, November 02, 2009

Trick or Treat!

This was Nina's first year for Trick or Treat. The businesses on California Ave had a nice event during the afternoon, perfect for the little ones. Over the past month, Nina had shown a lot interest in the Halloween decorations and various "scaries". On day when we were driving to school, out of the blue she asked me slightly nervously, "Is it going to be more scary on Halloween?". She wasn't too interested in the idea of dressing up, but we did manage to lure her into her costume with the prospect of candy.

The wild lion sets off to stalk her prey.

Most victims never knew what hit them.

Ok, that's enough - let's check out the loot.

Straight for the lollipops. 3 in a row.

A well deserved rest back at the den.


Baka said...

Kao i svaka lija, na kraju, više se umori nego na gimnastici!

Anonymous said...

Bako, nije lija nego je lav.

Grammie said...

I miss you so much.

Grammie said...

Maria, you look so nice and fit and happy...pregnancy suits you!!!

Baka said...

Znači, ne diraj lava dok spava!