Couple of fun Christmas activities. First, we visited the Christmas light & decoration display on Fulton Ave in Palo Alto, and then on Christmas Eve we saw a performance of the Nutcracker.

This one had a full sized Santa's sleigh next to the fireplace and was playing a tape of a reading of The Night Before Christmas. Nina sat quietly for "story time".
The War Memorial Opera House in San Francisco is truly a fabulous venue, and everyone decked out in their Christmas Eve finest made it even more special.

Sitting through the performance wasn't too much of a problem for Nina (kudos to the SF ballet for keeping the whole thing including intermission under two hours!), but more of a problem was her incessant desire to ask questions the entire time ("What is happening?", What are they going to do now?"). The second half of the show she was gracefully waving her hands like the ballerinas.
She was very excited when Mirko presented her with her very own nutcracker after the performance.
Dinner after the show.
Nina looks very pretty in her red Christmas dress.
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