Wednesday, August 13, 2008


On July 15, Nina said goodbye to her teachers and friends in the CIP2 classroom at daycare. She had been in that room for two weeks short of a year. Nina was usually the baby to arrive in the classroom and she developed a special bond with the early morning teacher, Mary Dada. Mary welcomed her each day with music and dancing. But it wasn't all fun and games as Mary was also quick to put her to work - cleaning up the toys or helping to take care of the little babies by bringing bottles or blankets.

Nina and Mary Dada

The Vivacious Patti

The transition into the Teeny Kids Place (TKP) was a little rough. Big tears in the morning during drop-off and really big tears if she saw any of the teachers from her old classroom. A month later she is definitely in the swing of things! She loves being with the older kids and doing all the new activities. Yesterday, I had to drag her home kicking and screaming because she was so enjoying coloring with markers on the picnic table under the shade of the big tree in the play yard.

TKP2 play yard with the incredibly sweet and impeccably coiffed teacher Alla

Another added bonus in the new classroom is that she has been reunited with Christopher (blond boy standing). Those two are peas in a pod! They chase each other around the room, and on a couple of occasions, I have seen Nina just randomly go and give him massively big hugs. That's my girl!