Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Family Weekend

We had a nice and relaxing weekend. Spent lots of time just hanging out and playing with Nina. She was in a fantastic mood and having the time of her life.

In this one below she is grabbing at the camera strap. Mirko was trying to encourage her to crawl. He would take a picture and then move back a foot. She would lunge and stretch reaching for the strap. She went probably 5 or 6 feet in total. She pulls with her arms and drags her little body along. She hasn't yet figured to move her arms and legs together. Note me in the background, reading a high quality newspaper. Enquirering minds want to know.

One last note. Nina really likes to play with these little plastic rings - the ones that you use to attach a toy to the baby gym. She can hold on to them very easily and likes to chomp on them. Yesterday, I noticed that she can pass the ring from one hand to the other. Yay, milestone!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Maria! Hope you have a wonderful 1st birthday with your daughter! We love you and miss you all very much! -XXXOOO