Friday, March 16, 2007

Symmetric Baby

Nina's 2 month doctor's appointment was today (10 weeks 1 day). First the stats:

Height: 23 1/2 inches (78%)
Weight: 12 lbs 3 oz (71%)
Head Circumference: 40 cm (71%)

Growing nicely. The doctor said her head control was excellent. She also had a bunch of vaccinations, 4 shots and one oral dose. She cried, cried, cried when she got the shots, tears and everything. So heartbreaking. You feel like you are completely betraying her trust. She is happily laying on the exam table and then bam! jab in the leg. Luckily she calmed down fairly quickly and within 10 or 15 minutes was sleeping in her stroller. There is a chance she could develop a slight fever from the vaccinations so we'll be on the lookout for that.

A few pictures from last weekend.

Nina Belle, Jedi Knight

On the way to Santa Cruz, woohoo!