Monday, February 05, 2007

1 Month

Yesterday was Nina's one month birthday! We dressed her up and our friends had a party for her. Actually, it was a Superbowl party, but don't tell her that!

She has grown like a weed in the past month. She is about 4 or 5 inches longer than when she was born and definitely has gained weight but we aren't sure how much. Her awake periods are getting longer. After a nap and a feeding, she's awake for an hour or two, generally just looking around and checking out the world. She is starting to gain a little control of her limbs - her arms and legs flail around slightly less, and she can lift her head for a second or two. Mirko claims that she smiles at him every morning, but everyone else thinks it is just gas! She tends to have a fussy period in the late afternoon and evening, but then when she does settle in for the night she'll sleep for stretches of up to four and half hours. Not too bad!

Having her nails done.

Another bath.

Walk with the grandparents.


Anonymous said...

We miss Nina already. She's such a little sweetheart.