Saturday, May 08, 2010


And here she is ... getting stronger and droolier by the day. These days she has been busy being generally adorable and stuffing her entire hand into her mouth. She loves standing up and has already made her first stabs at rolling over (she can easy roll from her back to her side, but can't yet figure what to do with the bottom arm). Lola's hair is a patchwork. The back is completely bald from rubbing and sides are thinning too. She still has the long stuff on top, which is constantly sticking up, and the front is beginning to grow back, soft and medium brown.

Looks like the rain has finally stopped, and summer is almost here. We have resumed our Great Carousel Hunt with a visit to the newly re-opened Happy Hollow Park & Zoo.

While we waited in line, Nina picked out this horse to ride. Perfect!

Lola waits on the sidelines for now.

The girls treating us to a baby fashion show.

Mornings lounging in bed.

Together in the gym.


Grammie said...

They are so cute! Can't wait to see you all again!