We are thrilled to have Baka Dragica visiting us for a while. She has already been busy getting our household in order, getting caught up on our laundry, cooking for us, and keeping the house neat and tidy. It is a wonderful help!
The language barrier is still a bit difficult for Nina although the situation is way better than when Baka visited a year and a half ago and Nina had a really hard time warming up to her. Nina now invites Baka to color with her and on car trips wants Baka to buckle her in her seat.
Lola, of course, loves more arms to hold her, and Baka speaks "goo" and "ugle" just fine.We've been getting some nice use out of the baby gym. Turn on the lights and music and Lola smiles and squeals, pumping her little arms and legs.
Baš lijep poklon za baku!
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