L is for Lola
Lola turned 1 year old on February 13. We had a little celebration for her complete with not one but two pairs of matching sister dresses!

She got the birthday song and a cupcuke, what more could a little one year old ask for!

We have definitely noticed big changes in Lola in the past month or two. She is starting to play with toys (like Nina's tea set below) a bit more that just putting them in her mouth.

Here is one from early on, but she is a champion walker now - or rather a champion drunken sailor walking. She still has that wide bow-legged stance, but she can walk a few dozen steps without falling.

Lola loves, loves, loves to eat. Anya nicknamed her "The Goat", and we all laughed out loud at how appropriate that was! She eats anything and lots of it.
Mostly Lola wants to do whatever one else is doing. She wants to feed herself (what a mess), she wants to brush her teeth when you brush yours, she wants to comb her hair. The other day, she tried to pick up Nina's scooter. She figured she needed to put on foot up on it, and she didn't even crying when it fell over on her. But she did get rather upset when Nina came to take it away from her.
She has definite opinions about what she wants and is not above pitching a ginormous fit if she doesn't get it. Even if you give in and give her what she wants, she will sometimes still burying her head on the floor and keep crying just to let you know how terribly you have offended her.
Whenever you turn on music she starts to bob up and down in a dance. She tried to copy Nina spinning in a circle the other day. She loves to wrestle and rough house especially with Nina, but you have to be careful as she had been known to fight dirty and brain you with a hard plastic toy.

She is still and probably always will be a bit of a delicate flower, but one flash of her smile and she steals your heart!
Cute pictures!
Lola is getting so big and her hair is getting long and straight! (like Aunt Andrea's!)
Can't wait to see her! and all of you!!
So cute! I wish I could see you all! She has Andrea's eyes!!
guess not much is going on lately (or is that too much?) anxiously waiting for the next entry!! :)
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