Big Smile
Ok, this is what I was talking about!

Now that's a smile. Lola has started to get very excited when she watches Nina. Yesterday, Nina was doing her usual gymnastics (at the dinner table), and Lola just starts laughing and laughing at her and flapping her arms. So adorable!
As you can see below, Lola's manual dexterity is improving everyday. Just this morning, she was playing on the bed while I was doing a few things. I walked by her, and her paci was in her mouth. She must have popped it in all by herself!

Double Fisting.
Lola can now easy roll from her back to her belly and then back onto her back. She has also started to scoot backwards. In the space of about 20-30 minutes, she went from here....

around in a big backwards arc to here ...

Of course, it can be rather frustrating for her especially when there is a toy she would like to get. You can tell she is trying and trying to get closer to it, but she just keeps inching backwards away from it!

Baka still has a few more weeks with us. I am not sure what we are going to do when she leaves. As you can see, Lola is nowhere more calm and peaceful than in her arms.
Finally a bonus shot...
love it! what a great smile!
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