We had a wonderful visit from Andrea and Lucia a couple of weeks ago. It is hard to believe that when we last saw Lucia when she was younger that Nina is now. She seems all grown up now!
I was pleasantly surprised at how nicely the two girls played together. Granted, they did get into an occasional spat - there was one memorable incident of breaking up a major tug-of-war over a small broom on the balcony. Oh, and the car! Those two could absolutely not sit next to each other nicely for even a short trip! ("She's touching me!") But the vast majority of the time they got along great, playing for very long stretches with minimal supervision. They marched around and around the house playing a lot of "Mommy (Lucia) dropping off Baby (Nina) at school".

Doctor and patient was also popular.
Not surprisingly, the girls mostly ignored little Lola. Nina was understandably much more interested in her new, more interactive playmate, and I think Lucia has been around babies enough lately to not be too impressed.

Lola did manage to get in on the pillow fort action.
We kept everyone busy with trips to Stanford campus, Ardenwood farm, the local park....

but left plenty of time for good ol'rough and tumbling around the house.

Lola was happy in the arms of her Auntie Andrea.

And we were all sad to see them go.
On the way home from the airport, I asked Nina if she enjoyed the trip and she said she "really, really, really, really, really, really [there were literally about 20 more really's] wanted them to come back!"