Interactive Mode
There have been so many changes in Nina in the past month or so, I hardly know where to begin. The best I can come up with is that she has now switched into interactive mode. For the past year and a half, we have been trying to figure out what she needs and when she needs it. But now all of a sudden, she can communicate with us. I suppose that this has been happening relatively slowly over the past six months, but somehow it all came together very recently and our relationship feels massively changed. She can tell us what shoes she wants to wear ('cocies' - Crocs), what book she wants us to read ('maket' - Mother Goose book featuring To Market, To Market), when she want to brush her teeth (which is all the time - 'paste, paste' - the dentist is going to love this kid). Also of course, she can tell us what she doesn't want ('no, mama!!', 'no daddy!!'). 'No!' is undoubtedly the favorite word of the moment possible followed by 'mine!'. But on the other hand, she can come over to you, wrap her little arms around your neck and give you the best hug in the entire universe! So completely fabulous!
And look at that smile.....These are from our annual trip to the Los Altos Art and Wine Fair (last year). Nina was mostly interested in the horse bench in front of the equestrian store (yes, there is an equestrian store in Los Altos).
Crib escape had me laughing so hard I almost fell out of my chair. I love how she tried to climb back in to do it again. Way to go Nina!
two words...CRIB TENT! i'm sure you can google it!
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