Friday, March 07, 2008


Nina has been all about pretend play lately. Last weekend, she had a little 2-in plastic man and a kleenex, and for about a half hour she was putting him night-night. She wrapped him in the kleenex then put him face down patted his back. Too funny. She loves to pretend to drink from little tea cups. She brings the (empty) cup to her mouth and then smacks her lips.

Oh, and now she is in to baby dolls. They have a bunch of them at daycare, and one day I when I dropped her off, she took a little play bottle and was feeding the baby doll. I just about died. It was the most heartwarming sight in the entire universe. They said she carried around the baby doll for half the day.

On to this week's (er, uhmm month's?) pictures.....

California Eskimo

Supermodel. Work it girl!

Resting in daddy's lap

Taming the wild mop-top


Unknown said...

i enjoyed seeing you guys this weekend! nina is so cute!