Bottoms Down
Do you notice anything?
Yep, Nina is now sitting up! She had been using an arm to hold herself up for quite awhile now. And then, oh, about a week ago she finally mastered it. Sitting up gives her a whole new world of possibilities because now she can manipulate toys with both hands. She must have played with that book for 20 minutes, flipping the pages, holding it up and shaking it. She has a variety of sitting positions and this one is probably her favorite:I think it is an easy position for her to get into from standing and then she can quickly pop back up again. Another super-cute one is one kneeling on one leg and the other one out in front. So, sitting at 7 1/2 months. Yay!
Now that she is a stable sitter, we finally felt comfortable to put her in a restaurant high chair. Here she is enjoying a meal at none other than the Left Bank in Menlo Park. Only the best for our little girl - too bad she only got to eat jarred sweet potatoes or carrots or something. Wait, she ate the tablecloth too.
But won't be long until she'll be able to move on to pomme frites, because look!Those teeth that started to emerge a while back are definitely in now.
Now that we have all that serious business out the way, it is time for some just-for-fun shots.
what's all that fuzzy stuff on her head??
Yep, she is a mop top!
I noticed something else in the first picture, Nina is able to read with the book upside down. That girl is really talented. The picture of her eating ice cream is a classic.
ok, maria. i've decided i can't wait until christmas to see ya'll. please drop everything immediately and fly down. thanks!
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