Before shipping Prof. Moore off to the University of Florida, we hosted a families dinner on Friday evening. Robb, Minja and baby Nikolas came as well as Tim, Jane and little Hannah. It was wonderful to get everyone together, have some good grub (if I do say so myself) and swap new parenting stories.
We also got some nice group shots. First the dads....Then the moms...
And finally the families...I just love that last picture! Everyone looks so genuinely happy. Also, notice Nikolas checking out Nina. That boy is going to be trouble!
Then on Sunday, we had a picnic with Mirjana, Miroslav and the girls. Being rather experienced at this whole parenting thing, they knew of a great park just down the road from us in Los Altos.
You might wonder, what Nina is up to in the shot above. Why munching on some watermelon, of course!
She absolutely loved it. I gave it to her just to see her reaction, and she started to suck on it like crazy. In fact she got rather upset when I tried to take it away!
And finally another excellent family shot.
Yay, summer's here! Looking forward to many more lazy Sundays in the park.
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