Grab Bag
Time for an update on some of Nina's developmental achievements. First of all, she is officially grabbing at things. This almost seems like old news since it started a few days before we left for Houston. Previously, if you put a toy in her hand she would hold onto to it, but if you dangled it in front of her, she would not reach out for it. Then one day out of the blue she reached out for my water glass! It was like a switch was flipped, and now she is grabbing at everything. We'll officially mark it at 4 months and 1 week.
She is so funny. If you hold something in front of her, it takes her a second to focus on it, then she gets all serious and after another second, her arms reach out to it (and of course try to bring it into her mouth!). She still has some work to do though. When she is laying down and trying to grab a toy, she will more often push it further away. Fortunately, one of her favorite objects to grab is attached to the end of her leg so it can't get too far away....
She has been enjoying her exersaucer. She'll play in it alone for a few minutes at a time or longer if you sit and keep her company. Here is a fun sequence.
We have also been experimenting with giving her some solid foods. Originally I had planned to wait another month or so, but we gave her a few tastes for fun and she just seemed love it. So far, we have given her strawberries, watermelon, tomato, banana, applesauce, sweet potato, pears, carrots and peas. Wow, that is quite a repertoire! She hasn't met a food she doesn't like. I suppose she takes after her mom in that sense. We give her just a few spoonfuls at time. She sucks on the spoon generally making a big mess, but it does appear that she is swallowing a good portion of it.
Also, she has been sleeping in her crib! The co-sleeping worked very well for us, and I would definitely recommend it to anyone especially in the early weeks and months. But it seemed like it was time for her to move on. The first night, she woke up crying after a couple hours, and we brought her back to bed with us. The next night, she went a few hours longer. Now she is making it until about 5am. She is such an amazingly good little baby!