Punk in Pink
Nina has had quite a developmental explosion recently. The head-lifting thing still blows my mind every time she does it. Here is an image that captures it nicely:She'll stay like this for a minute or two until she gets tired or discovers "hey, this is a great position for sucking on my own hand!" then of course it is all over.
She is also now able to hang out by herself for longer periods - in her bouncy seat or the baby gym or just on a blanket on the floor. I think that the main reason for this is that her eyesight has vastly improved. She is content to hang out looking around at the world. The other day she discovered her own feet and boy was she fascinated by them!
But what is with all the drooling?
In case you are wondering what the title of this post has to do with anything, here is picture from last Saturday when Nina was feeling a little rebellious....
Wow! Nina has really changed in just one month. I love the punk in pink picture.
shoot! if my stupid computer was working, i could send you some of lucia's punk pictures. course with all of her hair, it's just one big spike on top of her head. :) what fun! great pictures!!
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