We have been wondering if Nina knows and recognizes us yet. She gives us bright smiles, but she will also smile at total strangers and a variety of inanimate objects (totally hilarious). However, this past weekend Nina and I went to Elizabeth's baby shower. Needless to say, there were tons of women dying to hold baby Nina. At one point, I was sitting across the room from her, and she heard my voice and her eyes lit up! She definitely recognized the sound and looked around trying to find me.
In other news, Nina is starting to discover her hands. She'll look at them in amazement, and sometimes, especially during feedings, she'll hold one hand with the other. She will also grip on tightly onto your finger but isn't yet intentionally grabbing at things (which makes taking her to places like restaurants very easy!). And now her absolute favorite thing is standing. Another really cute thing she does when she lays on her back, she lifts her legs and rubs the soles of her feet together. Adorable.
On Sunday, we took Nina for a hike through the redwoods at Huddart County Park in Woodside. It really is surprising to me that less than 3 months after she was born, we are off and doing things we loved to do before she was born. Admittedly, we didn't lead particularly wild and crazy lives before, but still it is very encouraging. Nina was right at home in the forest, looking around at the trees before eventually drifting off to a deep sleep.