Monday, March 29, 2010

Grampa, Grampa, Grampa!

Grampa joined in the fun as well! Nina was very excited to have a new playmate (although he was summarily dismissed as a swing pusher when he wouldn't push her high enough!).

Luck of the Irish

More hands to hold me - Lola was game

Stroll on Stanford campus

More bath time fun

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

1 Month 1 Day

At one month, Lola is starting to do her first tricks.

She can hold up her head for a few minutes.

And she is starting to focus better and to track things with her eyes.

You can also notice that (just like Nina did) she is starting to lose her newborn hair. We are curious to see what her real hair is going to look like, but we'll probably have to wait quiet a while!

At her 1 month doctors check up (4 weeks, 3 days), she weighed in at 9 lbs 14 oz (66%), was 21 1/4 inches (52%) long, and her head was 36.8 cm (39%) in circumference. And perfectly healthy all around!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Grammie to the Rescue

Lola changes so quickly, it is tough to keep up with the pictures! . Here is a lovely one from a couple weeks ago...

Lola's 2 week portrait

Lola particularly reminds me of Nina when she is wearing one of her old outfits.

3 weeks, 1 day

Grammie arrived on the scene on Mar 6. Nina has enjoyed taking a break from school to spend time with her, and I have enjoyed a clean house, delicious food and good company. Yay for Grammie (or Gramina as Nina recently dubbed her)!

I think I see a resemblance!

Friday, March 12, 2010


Nothing like a long nap on a rainy afternoon.

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

First Bath

Who is ready for some naked baby pictures?! Lola's first bath (also featuring Big Sister)

"What am I getting myself into?!?"

Chaos Reigns

All clean!

Weren't we just doing this?

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Squashy Newborn

We've been settling in here at home over the past couple of weeks. On Friday, Feb 19, Lola had her 1-week check up. She weighed in at 7 lbs 15 oz, three ounces over her birth weight and way up from her minimum of 7 lbs 4 oz at the hospital. She is a good eater, sleeper and pooper - what else can you ask from a newborn! Her umbilical cord fell off after about a week and a half, but her little belly button (or booby bellon, as Nina calls it) is still healing.

Now in her third week of life, Lola is starting to have a few longer awake periods. Maybe a couple of 45 min periods during the day, then she is ready to hit the sack again. If you hold her upright, she'll try to hold up her head for a few seconds before it flops over again. Her skin is so soft, and she is so irresistibly snuggly!

Nina, not surprisingly, is very keen to get in on the baby action.

Juana Run?

On Saturday, February 20, Nina competed in her first road race! The Juana Run is held each year just blocks away from our house at Juana Briones Elementary school. Mirko competed in the 8k race while Nina went for it in the pre-K girls 200 yard dash.

Bib on and stomach filled at the pancake breakfast.

Jockeying for position at the start.

Go, Nina, go!

Monday, March 01, 2010


I'll never forget the look on Nina's face when she came through the door. Mirko, Lola and I had come home from the hospital about an hour before. Nina had spent the day with Mirjana and her family, and they all came over to drop Nina off. Nina rushed in very excited, her eyes darting back and forth between my belly and Mirko holding little Lola. "Is she out?!" Nina asked.

Nina and Lola, sisters together at last.

You can't see it, but Nina is wearing her "I'm a big sister" shirt sent to her by Lucia.

The girls.

First family photo.

Mirjana truly deserves some extra special recognition. She arrived at our house on Friday night at midnight to watch Nina when we had to rush to the hospital. Nina spent the next two days at her house, but Mirjana still managed to visit me in the hospital Saturday evening bringing dinner and champagne. When she dropped off Nina on Sunday, she again brought dinner, flowers, and champagne but also filled our fridge with a couple days more food. She was amazing, and we are incredibly blessed to have a friend like her!

Nina seems to be adjusting nicely to the new addition and taking her big sister role seriously.....

making sure Lola's chair is properly "stabilized" ...

and that she has adequate entertainment.