Over Labor Day weekend, we took Nina on her first camping adventure! We went to Big Basin Redwood State Park, a previous favorite of ours for long hiking and backpacking weekends. It is also ideal for a family trip because it has several back country camp sites that are just a couple of miles from the parking area (entrance on Highway 1 at Rancho del Oso) with a trail suitable for the jogging stroller.

Here we are just starting our adventure. Gear on our backs and of course Nina would much rather push the stroller than ride in it. She carried all of her own essential gear in her "ba-pak" - baby doll, baby blanket and shovel.

Nina was game to hike for a bit, stopping frequently to pick up rocks.

But of course that didn't last
too long.

Here we are setting up our new family sized tent. Great fun for little explorers!

Once we got our camp set up, we were free to explore the Redwoods. First up, find some sticks and poke at the underbrush.

Banana slug!!

Back at our campsite relaxing in the evening.

The monkey in her natural habitat.

The next morning. "Arg! Where's my coffee?!"

Hiking around the second day and inspecting a dead snake on the side of the trail. Nina brought her water bottle to fill with rocks.

Quite a few horses on the trail. Nina really enjoyed seeing them. "More orsies!" This lady was extremely nice to stop and give us a closer look.

"Ssshhh, baby seep-ping"

Second morning at another camp site. Time to pack up and head out!

Finally a family shot! Overall the trip was a complete success. We weren't too sure how everything would go, but Nina really took it all in stride. We look forward to next summer for bigger and better adventures!