Saturday, May 31, 2008

Bikes and goats and rocking horses

Hi everybody! Let's start off with our newest transportation mechanism! For the past three weeks, Nina and I have been riding the bicycle to Stanford everyday. It is a leisurely 20-25 minute ride to campus. And so far we have lost only one shoe! Nina seems to enjoy the fresh air although I think she wishes she was big enough to pedal herself. She is even a good sport about the helmet. The first couple of times, putting it on was a bit traumatic, she was prepared to fight to the death not to wear it, but now no problem. "Nini hemmet!" she says.

Nina's next most favorite activity of late is helping to cook ("kuku" or something like that). Whenever we are in the kitchen, she wants to pull up her chair and help (i.e. make a mess). Actually, it is quite nice because it keeps her busy and allows me to get dinner on the table a little easier on those hectic weekday nights.

And speaking of hectic, boy, our life sure feels to be these days. This is the closest thing to a family portrait we have had in months:

Yep, Nina is growing up right before our eyes. Any day now she'll be ready to go off to college .... or at least to the frat parties! Chug! Chug! Chug!

Rancho San Antonio has always been one of our favorite spots to go for a hilly trail run, but some things you don't find out until you have kids - they also have a little farm! Nina was mesmerized by the animals.

They have chickens and sheep and pigs annnd goats!

In fact, I think Nina was remembering the goats when she tried this maneuver:

Or maybe she is just crazy!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Our Southern Friends

Marianna and Yorgos were in town last weekend, and Tim and Jane graciously hosted us for dinner. Yorgos is now a professor at LSU. It was wonderful to see them, and we even managed to have a bit of conversation in between wrangling the two toddlers!

Unfortunately, we didn't manage to pull out the camera until Nina was dead on her feet. When we put her in her pajamas (yes, Christmas pajamas, poor kid) for the ride home, she actually reached out for Hannah's crib.

'Pleeease, I just want to sleep..."

This is a lovely one of Marianna, plus you can see Nina's mass of curls continue to come in.

Much love, Marianna and Yorgos! Come back to see us soon!

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Mischievious Girl

We're back! After a crazy month of traveling in April we're all glad to be back home - especially Nina!

Waiting for us at home was a fresh new package from Baka filled with all sorts of goodies! Thank you, Baka!

The girls try on their handmade goodies.

We are looking forward to the next several weekends of relaxing at the homestead. Of course these days no weekend is complete without a birthday party. Last weekend was Bobby's one year birthday bash!

The Birthday Boy. Love those baby blues!

The gang was all there.

Watching a baseball game. "When do you think we'll be old enough to play?"

Here is a fun little sequence. I can't figure out in the first picture if she is looking around for someone to help her or making sure no one is watching. Those are bottles of bubbles by the way.

Not even a challenge.

In other news, Nina's shoe fetish has continued unabated. In fact she has stepped it up a notch......