Holding Hands
Let's start with the most adorable picture in the history of the universe! Last Saturday, Hannah and Jane came over for a playdate. We had lunch and went to the park. Then the girls walked home like this. We finally had to pry their little hands apart when we got to the door. Super-duper cute!
With some things though, Nina is Ms. Independent. For example, she is really into carrying her own lunch on the way to school in the morning. And heaven forbid if you should not realize she wants to carry it. I am not saying she throws tantrum, but she stops in her tracks, falls on her bottom, kicks her feet and crys with her arm outstretched. Oh boy, here we go!And look at those chompers! You can't actually see it in this picture, but Nina has been getting in her molars. Three of them have broken through and one more is on the way (at least as far as I can tell, for some reason she doesn't like me fishing around in her mouth). So that makes 11 teeth so far. Update: that last molar is indeed in - make that an even twelve!