It is official, Nina is crawling! She has been doing a pretty good commando crawl (on her belly) for probably a month and a half. Then on Monday when I brought her home after daycare, I put her on the floor while I changed out of my work clothes, and sure enough she popped up onto her hands and knees and started motoring toward me. We really need a video for this one, but this picture does capture the action fairly well.
"Oooo, my favorite toys - the rattle and the captain! I'm going for it!"
Good job, honey.So we'll mark crawling at 6 and 1/2 months. Crazy.
It is funny how she has favorite toys. There will be a pile of toys on the floor, and she will consistently go for one or two of them. In the top picture, you can see the red polka dotted donut - that one is a current favorite. She gets a hold of it and won't let it go for tens of minutes. She loves the little cardboard baby books (great for chewing, I suppose), a denim bookmark, a couple different rattles. Even in the bath, there is the blue octopus comb thingy that she always goes for first. She knows what she likes!
Nina had her first Mishap Report at daycare on Thursday. She is in a mixed age classroom going from 0 to 2 years. They section off the babies and the toddlers with a gate. Well, Nina is fascinated with the toddlers. The teachers say she is magnetically attracted to the gate, constantly scurrying over and looking through. So the report says, "
Nina bumped her forehead on the inside play area gate when she was trying to look through it and/or stand up." Apparently there was a little bump, but it went down by the time I picked her up. The whole episode sort of makes me laugh. I can totally picture it in my head -
Bonk! I have a feeling this will not be her last misshap!
On Tuesday (busy week), Nina had her 6 month checkup and more shots. Here are her stats:
Height: 26 inches (51%)Weight: 16 lbs (42%)Head Circumference: 43 cm (60%)
Dr. Enright and I talked about Nina's sleep, and she gave us a few handouts. That is one area where Nina has been moving backwards these past several weeks. ~:-(