What a character is our little girl! Her personality has been blossoming lately. And her lungs are getting stronger. She has taken to shrieking, and it is this really forced, and frankly terrible sounding, sound. Sometimes she does it when she is frustrated (or her toys are very naughty), and sometimes she does it just for fun. Another far cuter thing she started is to squinch up her little nose and huff repeatedly out her nose. So funny and random. Her hands and coordination are improving daily as you can see...
'Waaaah! I am sooo unhappy! Wait, what is this thing in my hand?! Whew, that is better.'Nina is also gaining some awareness of the world around her. For example, she closes her eyes tight and blinks repeatedly when she hears a loud sound - like when we clap loudly or shut the car door. But get this, now when she is sitting in her car seat and I reach to close the trunk of the jeep, she knows it will be loud and preemptively starts blinking and closing her eyes. She knows what is coming next! Big development!
Get crazy! It's Friday!