Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Nina's Birth Story

Below is a link to Nina's birth story. It is a detailed and somewhat graphic description of labor and delivery. Likely it is more information than you really wanted to know so proceed with caution.

Well, don't say I didn't warn you ....

Monday, January 29, 2007

Mystery Solved!

I am sure that many of you loyal readers have stayed up nights wondering, "who does Nina look like?". Maria or Mirko? We now have definitive photographic evidence. The black and white photo is Maria when she was just home from the hospital (4 or 5 days old) and the color inset is Nina at 9 days. Remarkable!

Thanks Grandpa Dave!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Self Comfort

Here is a little movie of one of Nina's tricks. This is something she has done since she was first born and it is beyond adorable.

And of course no post would be complete without more pictures...
So serious!

Pretty in pink.

Mommy needs some pink, too!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Week 2

We have noticed a few changes in Nina in her second week of life. She is gaining a little weight - her belly is a little wider and she has developed a bit of a double chin. Her eyes are trying hard to focus on things, and sometimes she goes a little cross-eyed in the process. Her umbilical cord stump fell off Monday night (11 days), but the belly button itself is not yet healed. She is awake a little more. Unfortunately that also means more crying and fussing. When she has been awake for awhile, she can't put herself to sleep and likes to be held vertically and carried around the house. And yes, she knows if you try to sit down and just rock her - you must walk!

Last night was our first real sleep (or lack thereof) adventure. After her midnight feeding, she was fussy and crying off and on for the rest of the night. We took turns walking around with her then we would put her down. She would sleep for a few minutes then wake up crying. There was just no comforting her! Of course she tried to make up for it by being extra cute and adorable this morning.

1/17/2007 13 days

Monday, January 15, 2007

Stoll at the Baylands

It has been a dry January here in California. This weekend the air was fairly chilly but the sky was clear and blue. We went for a stroll next to the Bay. There were lots of other families out enjoying the sunshine.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Little Big Foot

We brought Nina Belle home from the hospital one week ago. She is a little angel, and we are blessed that so far everything has gone incredibly smoothly. At first she slept all the time, but now she is starting to have a couple longer awake periods a day (30 min - 1 hr). Nursing has been going extremely well for both baby and mom. At night she wakes a couple times for feedings but easily goes back to sleep. So more or less, we have been getting enough sleep. She loves to be held and loves sleeping cuddled next to us in our bed. Her diaper changing area is next to the mirror, and she is fascinated to look at herself. We try to get out of the house a little each day. She is content to sleep in the car or in the stroller - as long as it is moving!

We are thankful for our friends that have brought us dinners (Maryanne, Maggie & Arnaud, Jane & Tim). Not only has it been of great help to us, but the food has been absolutely delicious!

The sleeping angel.

Tummy time on a blanket made especially for her by Klaudia Levin. Thank you Klaudia!

Little Big Foot

Friday, January 12, 2007

1st Bath

Today Nina had her first bath. Much crying ensued!

I don't think I like this very much.

Hmmm, should I go with straight or curly hair today!?

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

1st Doctor's Appointment

Yesterday, Nina had her first appointment with her new pediatrician, Dr. Andrea Enright at Palo Alto Medical Foundation. She weighed in at 7lbs 12 oz which is 2 oz over her birth weigh and 7 oz over her weight a day or so after birth. Her height was 20 in and head circumference was 35 cm (love the mixed units). She is a champion nurser and it is reassuring to see that she is growing!

Picture of the day:

1/9/2007. 5 days old.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Few more pictures and a movie!

Here is a movie taken shortly after Nina was born:

The picture below was taken a few hours later. Nina has just returned from the nursery with Mirko where she had her first bath. Maria just scarfed down a much needed sandwich. (Click on picture for a larger version.)

Here we are on Saturday morning as we leave the hospital. We were really excited to show Nina her new home.

Daddy's girl!

4 days old. Bright eyed after a feeding and short nap.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Introducing Nina Belle

Our beautiful baby girl, Nina Belle, was born on Thursday, January 4 at 2:11pm at Stanford's Lucille Packard Children's Hospital. She weighed 7 lbs 10 oz and measured 19.5 inches. Everyone is healthy and happy. We came home from the hospital today to rest and get to know each other!